[Namespace] Keyword=GOMFID NameString=GO Molecular Function (Accession Numbers) DomainString=MolecularFunction SpeciesString=all DescriptionString=Gene Ontology (GO) accession numbers for the molecular function branch of this ontology. The list of entries updated by Marek Ostaszewski, LCSB, University of Luxembourg, www.pdmap.uni.lu. VersionString=20120202 CreatedDateTime=2012-02-02T12:00:00 QueryValueURL=http://amigo.geneontology.org/cgi-bin/amigo/term_details?term=GO:[VALUE] [Author] NameString=Selventa CopyrightString=Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Selventa. All Rights Reserved. ContactInfoString=belframework@selventa.com [Citation] NameString=Gene Ontology DescriptionString=The Gene Ontology project is a major bioinformatics initiative with the aim of standardizing the representation of gene and gene product attributes across species and databases. The project provides a controlled vocabulary of terms for describing gene product characteristics and gene product annotation data from GO Consortium members, as well as tools to access and process this data. PublishedVersionString=20120202 revision1.686 PublishedDate=2012-02-02 ReferenceURL=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19920128 [Processing] CaseSensitiveFlag=yes DelimiterString=| CacheableFlag=yes [Values] 0061631|B 0018812|B 0004364|B 0034450|B 0015238|B 0004679|B 0004930|B 0061630|B 0004714|B 0004679|B 0034450|B