/* Clone the pluginsʼ corresponding repository alongside transmartApp and * uncomment the settings below in order to use those plugins inline. See * http://grails.org/doc/latest/guide/plugins.html#12.1%20Creating%20and%20Installing%20Plug-ins * under the heading ‘Specifying Plugin Locations’ for more information. */ //grails.plugin.location.'rdc-rmodules' = '../Rmodules' //grails.plugin.location.'transmart-core' = '../core-db' //grails.plugin.location.'dalliance-plugin' = '../dalliance-plugin' //grails.plugin.location.'transmart-mydas' = '../transmart-mydas' grails.project.dependency.resolution = { repositories { mavenRepo([ name: 'repo.thehyve.nl-public', url: 'https://repo.thehyve.nl/content/repositories/public/', ]) /* If you set the grails.project.dependency.resolution config property, * then the tranSMART Foundation repository will not be used (see the * in-tree BuildConfig.groovy). You can re-add it by uncommenting the * block below. It will have lower priority than the repositories listed * in BuildConfig.groovy (which have the highest priority) and the * repositories that are listed above it in this closure. */ // mavenRepo([ // name: 'repo.transmartfoundation.org-public', // root: 'https://repo.transmartfoundation.org/content/repositories/public/', // ]) } } // vim: filetype=groovy et ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 tw=80: